Greater Springfield FCA serves 4 counties throughout the Springfield Metro Area (Greene, Christian, Lawrence, and Webster) which includes a total of 63 Middle Schools, High Schools, and Colleges. Through FCA ministry, nearly 3,000 students and coaches are impacted on a weekly basis. God is using the platform of FCA to transform the lives of young people and coaches throughout the Greater Springfield Area.
FCA Bibles, Team Devotionals, Coaches Bible Study books, and a multitude of discipleship resources are distributed almost daily to students and coaches that want to know Christ and grow in their relationship with Him. We have a unique opportunity to give these resources away on public school campuses... AND YOU CAN HELP US!
The Bible is God's Game Plan for our lives and it is essential for a follower of Christ to study the scripture daily! But did you know that many students and coaches here in the Greater Springfield Area don't own their own Bible? FCA desires to equip students and coaches with a Game Plan that they can follow even beyond their sport. Just in the past 2-3 years FCA has gifted hundreds of FCA Bibles and Bible study resources that allow student athletes and coaches to understand their identity and value created in the image of God... but more requests are coming in almost daily. With the start of a new school year we would ask that you help us equip the next generation with God's Game Plan and watch God transform lives across the Greater Springfield Area!
God has blessed us with the ability to distribute God's Word on public school campuses. Will you help us get Bibles, devotional books, and other discipleship resources into the hands of local students and coaches? Your gift will help us advance the Gospel right here in the Greater Springfield Area!