What sports are offered at POWER Camp?

Campers will choose two sports to participate in during the week of camp. The sports to choose from include: Basketball, Baseball, Softball, Volleyball, Football, and Soccer. Sports must be selected during the registration process. Campers will participate in the same two sports during the entire week.

What will the camp schedule look like?

The schedule will be packed with fun-filled activities which will include things like sport-specific skills training for two sports and  group games. Campers are also encouraged and equipped in their faith through chapels, guest speakers, and small group "huddle time" with young adult leaders. Camp will begin promptly at 9:00am and will end at 3:00pm each day. A sample schedule can be viewed HERE along with a digital camp flyer.

Is lunch provided for campers?

Campers will be encouraged to bring their own lunch for each day of camp. However, there will be an option for campers to purchase lunch through Allison Sports Town. Select your preferences during registration. Already registered and want to change your preference? Contact Camp Director, Cody Pentecost, by email: cpentecost@fca.org.

Are there scholarships and/or discounts available?

Yes! Scholarships are available for families that would like for their children to attend POWER Camp, but need assistance with the registration fees. You can submit a scholarship application HERE. Sibling discounts are also available! Your first child's registration fee will be regular price and each additional sibling will be able to register for $50 each.

Should my child bring backpacks/equipment bags to carry their personal items?

We recommend that your child bring ONE bag for all of their personal items for camp (sports equipment, shoes, lunch, etc.). We are expecting several hundred campers for POWER Camp and do not want your child to lose or misplace any of their personal items. To best prevent this from happening, we recommend trying to minimalize the amount of items you bring to camp as best as possible.

Will my child be required to bring any equipment for camp?

Depending on which sports your child chooses to participate in, there might be sport-specific equipment recommended for them to bring for camp. TENNIS SHOES ARE REQUIRED at all times... however, there may also be a need for sport-specific shoes as well. Your child will NOT need to bring any balls, helmets, or protective padding.

Will my child need to bring an extra change of clothes?

There should not be any need for campers to change clothes during camp. We will not require them to wear any sport-specific clothing during their sport camps (with the exception of shoes). Remember that camp will take place both indoors and outdoors at Allison Sports Town so we would recommend that your child dresses accordingly (shorts and t-shirts as it will also be mid-July). TENNIS SHOES ARE REQUIRED at all times... however, there may also be a need for sport-specific shoes as well. We also understand that accidents happen, so if your child would prefer to pack an extra change of clothes for "just in case" they can pack them in their backpack/equipment bag.

Do you have questions that haven't been answered? Please reach out by Email: cpentecost@fca.org or Phone: 417-823-7744.

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